Thoughts on Authenticity
In 2020, many things fell into place when an empath reached out to me and gave me an assessment that I am an Andromedan Starseed.
This minority of starseeds or light beings come from Milky Way’s neighboring galaxy, Andromeda.
Now, I have little knowledge about Andromedans, let alone starseeds. However, since selling all my things and living on just a backpack in 2017, I have met five starseeds on the road like myself.
Three are friends of mine, whom I share the language of light, love, and freedom — they are two Pleiadians and one Arcturian.
The other two are authors, one Sirian and one Andromedan, and both travel extensively, doing grid work and anchoring light from high energy locations on Earth.
When I was traveling for nearly two years, I ended up in the most travelled destination on the planet, Angkor Wat, a 400-acre ancient city dedicated to Vishnu. This sprawling temple complex is now covered with jungle, wildlife, and tourists.
Now, if I didn’t get robbed, I probably would have stayed on the road, traveling and doing light work like my starseed friends.
I lost all my cards, cash, and passport by 2018, and had to go back home in Manila. Incidentally, the founders of the travel company which we turned into a nationwide project, asked me to return as a Writing Director as they expanded to other countries in Asia.
Two years passed, I was traveling in the Philippines and Asia while directing a group of creatives from my laptop. I was living Tim Ferriss’ vision of working for only a few hours a week.
It was the life I always imagined — I would work for only 1-2 hours in the morning and spend the rest of my day doing my hobbies, visiting exotic places, and meeting travelers like myself.
Somehow, the pandemic arrived and all borders were closed. Despite so many restrictions, I still got to travel, sneaking into military vans and bypassing COVID shots as requirements.
It was rather disturbing how high traffic places suddenly turned into ghost towns, with recovering drunks slogging through the streets looking for alcohol.
At the time, alcohol was suddenly banned nationwide and alcoholics turned into animals, scouring the streets like zombies and breaking into convenience stores for that last bottle of gin.
Some of my male friends, meanwhile, were going through depression and asked for my help.
For the porn addicts, I suggested abstinence and focusing on their family and health. For the heartbroken, I suggested shadow work and self-love. And for those wrestling with demons, I suggested prayer and fasting.
Now, I don’t know everything, but there’s an answer to all kinds of affliction. Religions may appear different from each other, however atheistic, monotheistic, or polytheistic each one is. All of them exist by the same five basic principles — resist thieving, lying, sexual immorality, killing (including animals), and intoxication.
Developing any or a combination of these can lead to death. Rather, all religions speak of truth, generosity, chastity, respect for all life, and avoiding all kinds of vices.
This is fundamental in building one’s crystalline lightbody, your vehicle of light, which allows you manifest your reality as you so desire.
However we dress wisdom with ritual, superstition, or blind faith, we can never deny the wisdom of Nature, which exists in our body and in our spirit.
Because, my dear, we are Nature. And Mother Earth coexists with Light to support all order, life, and fruitfulness on this planet.
And for those living with sadness, disorder, or lack of direction, sit with yourself alone for a time and feel your true desires. No matter how big or small they are, they are your true north.
After all the noise settles down, your heart will speak its deepest longings. Listen to them — they are what you came here for.
Sunrise yoga at home in Manila.
I longed for yoga since I was a teenager. I didn’t know why, I guess it just felt right. Interestingly, Krishna, the eight avatar of Vishnu and a well-known inspiration for ancient arts, poetry, and music, is also an Andromedan Starseed.
// 19 Dec 2024